Please find below a list of air quality reports produced for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, DEFRA, by the environmental health service at Chesterfield Borough Council.
All reports are available to download at the bottom of the page or are available on request:
In 2016, the format of the reports changed from the original three-year cycle (an update, screening, and assessment report, followed by two progress reports), to a single annual air quality report. In addition, the format of the report places a greater emphasis on proposed actions rather than reporting on monitoring results.
2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 Reports
Pollution monitoring, focused on the main traffic commuting routes, shows that none of the locations where monitoring is carried out breaches the Air Quality Objective. The long-term trend continues to demonstrate a reduction in pollution levels across the borough. The variation in pollution levels means that we have not undeclared the existing Air Quality Management Area. Monitoring is continuing.
2019 Report
Pollution monitoring, focused on the main traffic commuting routes, shows a slight increase in levels across the borough. This indicates that the increase is region-wide rather than due to local conditions. None of the locations where monitoring is carried out breaches the Air Quality Objective. Due to variability in pollution levels, we have not undeclared the existing Air Quality Management Area. Monitoring is continuing.
2018 Report
Pollution monitoring, focused on the main traffic commuting routes, shows that none of the locations where monitoring is carried out breaches the Air Quality Objective. Monitoring is continuing.
2017 Report
Pollution monitoring, focused on the main traffic commuting routes, continues to show that pollution levels are a cause for concern at discrete 'hot-spot' locations within the borough, as during previous years.
2016 Air quality report
Pollution monitoring, focused on the main traffic commuting routes, confirmed that pollution levels are a cause for concern at discrete 'hot-spot' locations within the borough. These are at sites where housing is located at the roadside and the road carries a high traffic loading and is subject to stop/start flow restrictions (for example, traffic light controlled junctions). The declaration of an Air Quality Management Area on Church Street, Brimington, is confirmed.
2015 Update, screening and assessment
The results indicate an ongoing marginal breach of the Air Quality Objective for Nitrogen Dioxide at the row of terraced housing on Church Street, Brimington. The ongoing monitoring by the use of diffusion tubes was augmented by the use of an automatic NOx monitor throughout 2014, located directly opposite the houses in the grounds of a church hall. The process of declaring an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) for this location, which began following the last report, is continuing.
2014 Progress report
This report gives details on the ongoing air pollution and monitoring that was carried out across the borough.
The monitoring indicated an ongoing marginal breach of the Air Quality Objective for nitrogen dioxide at the row of terraced housing on Church Street, Brimington. However, as the breach was indicated by the use of passive diffusion tubes, alternative monitoring was arranged. The results of this monitoring are reported in the update, screening and assessment report 2015.
2013 Progress report
This report gives details on the ongoing air pollution and monitoring that was carried out across the borough.
Pollutant concentrations are below the Air Quality Objectives with the exception of two properties on Church Street at Brimington, which exceed the nitrogen dioxide objective. A detailed assessment was carried out. The monitoring results at this location have fluctuated around the Air Quality Objective, but the long-term trend displays a reduction in the level. However, there remains an ongoing, though marginal, breach of the Air Quality Objective in the vicinity of a single row of terraced houses.
2013 Detailed assessment
This report gives details on site specific work as a result of the elevated levels of traffic pollution in particular locations within the borough.
Targeted monitoring of road vehicle-related nitrogen dioxide was measured at four separate locations within the area of the borough of Chesterfield. This was due to elevated levels being measured in 2010, and reported in the subsequent progress report, submitted in September 2011. None of the locations were found to be in breach of the Air Quality Standard, which is an annual mean level of 40 µg/m3.
Targeted monitoring continued at both of the Sheffield Road and Church Street areas, in light of the higher levels in these locations.
2012 Update, screening and assessment report
This report gives details on the ongoing air pollution and monitoring that was carried out across the borough. The results of the monitoring are compared to the national Air Quality Objectives. The finding is that air quality has improved across the borough. This appears to be the case across the UK as a whole, reflecting the unusual weather patterns in 2011 that drew air from the continent. The interim results of the ongoing intensive monitoring are briefly discussed but, as this was subject to a separate, more detailed report once the monitoring was completed, no conclusions are made.
An assessment of the possible effects of current and planned major projects across the borough and in the immediate vicinity was carried out. Supporting information, including maps, is included in a separate appendix section.
Site-specific traffic modelling
This report gives details on an area specific computer modelling exercise. The aim of this is to assess current and projected air pollution levels caused by road traffic fumes at locations identified in the previous report.
2011 Progress report
This report reflects the latest round of monitoring and assessment within the borough. The report was issued to DEFRA for approval, and some changes were requested to be made to the original report (submitted in May 2011). The report finds that traffic pollution may be a cause for concern at four specific locations in the borough, and more intensive monitoring is to be carried out at these locations. A separate report based on this monitoring was issued on completion.
This report details the finding of this further assessment of air quality within Chesterfield and is based on detailed dispersion modelling together with a detailed review of all recent monitoring data within the borough.
2010 Progress report
The monitoring data from 2009 has shown no exceedances or likely exceedances of the air quality objectives. Therefore, no further statutory action is required at this time.
The report:
- details monitoring data from air quality stations and diffusion tubes for 2008
- predicts future air pollution levels in Chesterfield
- identifies new potential exceedances of the annual mean NO2 air quality objective at Whittington Hill
- identifies a new potential exceedance of the PM10 24-hour mean air quality objective at Whittington Moor
This will require progression to two detailed assessments in 2009 to look at these pollutants in more detail.
2010 Detailed assessment
This report details the findings of a further assessment of air quality and is based on dispersion modelling using current monitoring data. The modelling found that the borough is affected by region-wide pollution, but there are also localised pollution hot-spots. The modelling does not predict any breach of the air quality standards across the borough, contradicting the previous modelling exercise.
2009 Update, screening and assessment report
This report gives details on the ongoing air pollution and monitoring that was carried out across the borough. The monitoring data from air quality stations and diffusion tubes for 2008 shows no exceedances or likely exceedances of the air quality objectives.
2008 Air quality progress report
This report outlines the progress in continuing monitoring across the borough. There are localised breaches of the air quality objective for nitrogen dioxide, but these are at locations where the public will only be exposed for short periods, as such a higher objective applies.
2008 Air quality strategy
This framework document outlines the council's direction and intentions for dealing with air pollution issues across the borough. This is not an action plan.
2007 Detailed assessment
This report details the findings of a further assessment of air quality and is based on dispersion modelling using current monitoring data. The modelling predicts breaches of the air quality standards at a number of locations adjacent to main roads across the borough and recommends that a ribbon Air Quality Management Area be declared.
2006 Update, screening and assessment report
The report:
- details monitoring data from air quality stations and diffusion tubes for 2005
- reviews all the air pollutants in the Air Quality Regulations 2000
- identifies three locations showing exceedance of the annual nitrogen dioxide air quality objective:
- Chatsworth Road (A619)
- Derby Road (A61 South)
- Chesterfield Road, Staveley (A619)
- recommends proceeding to detailed assessment for these locations
2005 Progress report
The report:
- details monitoring data from air quality stations and diffusion tubes for 2004
- predicts future air pollution levels in Chesterfield
- identifies a potential exceedance of the annual NO2 air quality objective along Derby Road
- considers new major developments within Chesterfield that may impact on local air quality
- evaluates the current and longer-term strategies for local air quality management in Chesterfield
- lists recommendations to improve data quality, review monitoring sites and improve current and longer-term air quality strategies for Chesterfield