Meet the climate change team

Meet the climate change team

Want to get in touch about climate change? If you have questions about what we are doing to tackle climate change as a council, ideas you want to share, events you would like us to be aware of in the community that have a climate focus or are interested in applying for community grant funding here are all the details you need to contact our team.

The climate change team are a part of the council’s policy and partnerships service and are happy to be contacted by Chesterfield residents to discuss climate-related matters as needed.

The team includes Katy, Will, Chloe, Marie and Wendy who each have a different set of roles and responsibilities as part of the service. Each council officer has a variety of responsibilities including equality and diversity, council policy, community engagement, community grants and climate change – so there is a variety of knowledge across the service that will help us to answer your queries.

So if you want to discuss the council’s climate change strategy, future plans for updating our service delivery across the organisation, you want to apply for a community grant or discuss attending a community engagement event with your climate change group – get in touch using the details below.

Contact us by email:

Last updated on 27/11/2023