Get involved, have a voice

You can choose what activities you would like to take part in, and how much or how little you want to do. 

We will contact you when a suitable activity is about to begin to see if you are interested in being involved. 

How you can get involved Expand all


Give your views by completing short surveys that will help shape our services. You can do this from home by phone, post and online. 

Surveys should only take around ten minutes to complete. 

Focus groups 

You will be asked to give your opinion on a specific topic or policy at a one-off meeting. 

Focus groups are usually held in person but may also be held online via Teams or Zoom. 

Focus groups usually last for around two hours. 

Working groups 

A working group involves a short series of meetings with a start and an end (such as a task and finish group). 

You will be asked to give your opinion on a specific topic or service, and make recommendations for improvements. 

Meetings usually last from one to two hours, over a course of three months. 

Communication and accessibility group 

Our communication and accessibility group help to shape how we provide information and communicate with tenants. The group also looks at barriers to accessing housing services and information and how we can improve. Find out more including how to get involved in the communication and accessibility group

Performance group 

The performance group work together to ensure that members are aware of how we are performing as a landlord. 

The tenant chaired group provide an opportunity for tenants and officers from the council’s housing service to get together to see how the service is performing, inform and influence decision making, promote best practice across our housing services and ensure that services continue to meet the standards expected by tenants.  

Find out more about the work of the performance group

Tenant challenge panel 

Our tenant challenge panel meets every month to scrutinise our housing services and make recommendations for improvement. 

Meetings are in person and last for a morning, or an afternoon. 

Find out more about the tenant challenge panel

Housing Advisory Board 

Our housing advisory board help to inform decision making along with staff, councillors and other tenants. 

Find out more about the housing advisory board

Help us inspect and survey areas of Chesterfield for things such as litter, grass and hedge cutting and graffiti. 

If you are a council tenant that’s passionate about the area where you live and have a little spare time on your hands to help, we’d love to hear from you. 

Full training will be provided so you can find out more about what you’d be keeping an eye out for in your local area. 

For more information and to secure your place contact the tenant engagement team by emailing or calling 01246 345147. 

Details about additional training dates will be shared on this page and on our social media channels.

We are currently developing a mystery shopping panel and are on the look out for tenants who would be willing to volunteer and become a member of the panel.

If this is something you would like to be part of please complete the form below and send it by email to

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Mystery shopper sign up form PDF (PDF 179 KB)

Find out more about mystery shoppers.

How to get involved

The easiest way to get involved in Chesterfield Active Tenants is to join ChAT online.

You just need to provide your contact details and let us know the type of activities you want to get involved with.

Join ChAT online


Protecting your privacy - find out how we keep your information safe.

If you are not able to register online please complete the registration form and below and return it to us.

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
ChAT application form PDF (PDF 80 KB)

Get in touch 

You can also contact us to find out more by: 

Go to the tenant handbook