Welcome to your new home
We hope that you find this handbook helpful as you settle in to your new home. The handbook is full of useful information including managing your home and your tenancy, how to have your say on our housing services and how to get in touch or make a complaint.
A link to this handbook is part of the useful information that you will receive when you first move in. A printed version is also available.
Use the links below to access different sections of the tenant handbook.
You can return to this contents page by clicking the back button on your browser.
Find out about:
- moving in
- understanding your tenant agreement
- paying your rent
- maintaining your home
- staying safe at home
- your neighbourhood
- keeping you informed and getting involved
- help and support
- moving on and the right to buy scheme
- comments, compliments, and complaints
- contacting us
Moving in
- view your tenancy online
- gas, electric and water meters
- home contents insurance
- bins and recycling
- Council Tax
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- tenancy visits
- appointing someone to act on your behalf
- housing information library
- useful contacts
Understanding your tenancy agreement
- your rights and responsibilities as a tenant
- introductory tenancies
- more information about your tenancy agreement
- your rights as a tenant
Paying your rent
- how to pay your rent
- view your rent account online
- rent payment calendar
- dealing with rent arrears
- help to pay your rent
- about your rent and service charges
- frequently asked questions about council housing rent
Maintaining your home
- request a repair to your council home
- repair responsibilities
- repairs – who does what?
- repair timescales and appointments
- making your own alterations and improvements
- repairs video guides
- frequently asked questions about council home repairs
- right to repair
- right to compensation for improvements
- improving our homes
- making our homes more energy efficient
- decent home standard
- adaptations
Staying safe at home
- asbestos
- communal areas and lifts
- damp, mould and condensation
- electrical safety
- fire risk assessments
- fire safety and evacuation
- gas safety
- water hygiene
Your neighbourhood
Keeping you informed and getting involved
- get involved, have a voice
- tenant engagement – what’s on
- customer involvement agreement
- how we are doing
- tenant satisfaction measures
- Your Chesterfield - our residents' magazine
- right to manage
Help and support
- adaptations
- benefits advice
- Careline
- cost of living support
- domestic abuse
- garden assistance scheme
- get help with your bins
- homelessness prevention
- support for carers
Moving on and right to buy scheme
- ending your tenancy
- bereavement of a tenant who lived alone
- bereavement of a tenant who shared a home
- mutual exchanges
- right to buy
- transfers
- transfer incentive scheme