How to make a personal search of the local land charges register and obtain property data not publicly available.
Personal search of the local land charges register
Prescribed Fee
There is no fee for making a personal search of the local land charges register.
Arrange an appointment by telephoning the local land charges team on 01246 959779.
Please state the name of the person or company carrying out the search together with the address of the land against which the search is to be made.
At least 24 hours notice must be given, please email with confirmation of the appointment, the address to be searched, and enclose a plan showing the extent of the property outlined in red or by cross-hatching.
The total number of properties which may booked for a personal search is limited to 5 per day for each member of the public, personal search company, or solicitor.
Appointments are subject to availability (the council will accommodate up to four personal search companies per day).
The council will respond to your search request on the day of your booked appointment by providing an electronic extract of the local land charges register by email to you.
The result of a search of the local land charges register will be emailed directly to you on the day of your appointment.
Please note, staff within council departments have no legal obligation to give supplementary advice or opinion.
Procedure for obtaining property data to be able to answer all the questions on the CON29 required enquiries of local authority form (2016 edition).
Please see our access to raw data page for the component data price list. Individual questions can then be requested for a nominal fee.
The council holds statutory and non statutory registers, which are open for inspection, free of charge, during office hours.
Environmental Information Requests (EIRs)
If you require any further planning history you may submit an Environmental Information Request (EIR) directly to the planning service
The majority of replies to EIR requests will direct applicants to the link to the council's online planning site 'Public Access' as planning history information is available online on a self-serve basis. You may wish to search the information on Public Access rather than submitting an EIR request. In other instances, where the planning service is aware that planning data has not been fully updated on Public Access (for example for new build developments) planning references will be provided on the EIR response so further details can be obtained from the Public access site.
Who to contact for other EIR requests:
- building control - email
- environmental health - phone 01246 345953
- housing email
Other enquiries:
Public sewer maps - copies of these maps may only be obtained from Yorkshire Water.
Environmental Protection Act – authorised processes, Environment and Safety Information Act 1985, Sunday Trading, food premises registration - contact our customer services team on 01246 345345.
Derbyshire County Council also has public registers including: Public Rights of Way, Publicly Adopted Highways and Register of Local Common Land and Village Greens.