Civil parking enforcement order

Civil Parking Enforcement Order 2014

The off-street parking order for Chesterfield public car parks (below) is effective from 10 February 2014. 

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Civil Parking Enforcement Order 2014 PDF (PDF 33.67 MB)

Changes to the 2014 Parking Order – November 2015

The modification order below removes from the 2014 Order parking places (or in one case, part of a parking place) that the council no longer owns. The modification also includes parking areas of the new Queen’s Park Sports Centre.

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Parking Places Modification Order 2015-17 PDF (PDF 547 KB)

Changes to the 2014 Parking Order (as amended) – May 2018

On 3 August 2017 the council approved proposals for changes to the above 2014 parking order (as amended in 2015). The new order has now been made and the changes take effect on 10 May 2018.

Consultation on the proposed changes was carried out from 14 September to 9 October 2017. Unresolved representations on the changes were considered by the Cabinet Member for Town Centres and Visitor Economy on 8 January 2018, who decided to approve the order with the recommended changes.

The modification adds some parking places, removes some parking places, updates names of some car parks, substitutes maps of some car parks, and modifies charges and hours of operation of some car parks. Details of the changes are in the documents below.

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Notice Modification Order 2018 PDF (PDF 48 KB)
Parking Places Modification Order 2018 PDF (PDF 6.37 MB)

Changes to the 2014 Parking Order (as amended) - 2019

On 21 December 2018 the council approved proposals for changes to the 2014 parking order (as amended in 2015 and 2018). Consultation on the proposed changes ran from 24 January to 18 February 2019. There were no representations on the proposals and the modification order was made on 7 March 2019.

The modification order adds some parking places to be regulated, removes some parking places which are no longer in the control of the council, and modifies hours of operation of some car parks. Details of the changes, which take effect on 15 April 2019, are in the documents below:

  • the modification order and plans
  • notice of the making of the order
  • our statement of reasons for the making of the changes to the order
If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Notice of Parking Places Modification Order Order 2019 PDF (PDF 18 KB)
Statement of Reasons Parking Places Modification Order 2019 PDF (PDF 39 KB)
Parking Places Modification Order 2019 PDF (PDF 1.39 MB)

Read the report and decision on these proposals here.

Consultation on Proposed changes to the 2014 Parking Order (as amended) 2020 – proposed removal of Chapel Street and Duke Street Car Parks

On 24 October 2019 the Council approved consultation on proposals for changes to the above 2014 parking order (as amended in 2015, 2018 and 2019).

The modification would remove two parking places from the 2014 Order. Details of the proposed changes are in the documents below.

Consultation on the proposed changes ran from 27 February to 24 March 2020. Unresolved representations on the changes were considered by the Cabinet Member for Town Centres and Visitor Economy on 31 March 2021. It was decided that the two car parks should be removed from the 2014 Order subject to satisfactory agreement with any purchaser of the land to ensure the car park continues to be available for users. This page will be updated further in due course.

Here you can see:

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Duke Street and Chapel Street Car Parks FAQs PDF (PDF 18 KB)
Chesterfield Borough Council (off-street parking places) Modification Order 2020 - Proposal PDF (PDF 1.91 MB)

Consultation on Proposed changes to the 2014 Parking Order (as amended) 2024 – proposed addition of Station Approach Car Park

On 24 October 2024 the council approved consultation on proposals for changes to the above 2014 parking order (as amended).

The modification would add a parking place to the 2014 Order. Details of the proposed changes are in the documents below.

Consultation on the proposed change runs until 31 March 2024.

Here you can see:

Parking complaints 

If you are wanting to raise a complaint about parking, please contact