Housing Advisory Board

The role of the Housing Advisory Board is to ensure that Chesterfield Borough Council’s housing service complies with the requirements of the Regulator of Social Housing and the Housing Ombudsman.

It is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the overall aims, objectives and policies of the housing service and overseeing its performance.

The Housing Advisory Board consists of ten members:

  • four elected members
  • four tenant representatives
  • the executive director of the council and the service director – housing

All Chesterfield Borough Council tenants are eligible to apply, unless action is being taken against them due to tenancy breaches. We will advertise future vacancies to our tenants here and on our social media channels.

Meeting papers 

The Housing Advisory Board meets quarterly, papers from the meetings including meeting agendas and minutes will be available below.

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.

Meeting dates Expand all

Papers will be published below when they are available:


Papers will be published below when they are available:


Find out more 

If you have any questions about the Housing Advisory Board, or are interested in opportunities to get involved, you can find out more here.  

Contact us